Hello everyone , Just a reminder there are two new videos on youtube just go to begottensonministries or scott ehm on you tube and you should be able to find them pretty easily.  The newest videos usually spend about a week or so on youtube before we can get them transferred over to the web…

Council of Time

Good morning just wanted to say what a privilege it is to be involved in the Council of time Bible study.  This has been a great experience and I have to say I’ve never seen a more close knit study group.  It seems that everyone genuinely cares for each other and will offer help and…

Test Every Spirit

1 John 4:1-3 Beloved, believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of GOD:  Because many false prophets  are gone out unto the world.  Hereby know ye the spirit of God: Every spirit that confess that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God.  And every spirit that confess not that…


Good morning, with everything happening in the world it is easy to loose sight of our priorities. Let us all rededicate our lives and families to GOD.  Heavenly Father, we come to you now, Lord, and ask you to cleanse us all of any unforgiveness, any sin know or unknown.  Lord cleanse us with the…